Center Church Dubai

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A Rollercoaster Ride With The Lord

Hebrews 12:1-2

“Let us … look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.”

When I was asked to share my story, I couldn't help but think that what I wanted to share may seem very different from the life stories that have gone before mine. Nevertheless, this story remains my testimony to how our God cares for our EVERY need, big and small!

Recently, I visited an amusement park in a neighbouring emirate, with a group of family and friends. Whenever we visit such places, I always avoid all the rides because they cause severe palpitations, leaving me dizzy and sick.

So, while my husband and kids drifted with the more adventurous lot, as much as I wanted to be with them, I resigned myself to the company of a few family members who, like me, normally prefer to avoid heart fluttering rides. Unfortunately for me, that day, my companions were in an adventurous mood, and wanted to try a few rides that were not overly challenging. Not wanting to be a ‘spoil-sport', I decided to quietly join them on the rides of their choosing, completely clueless of where we were heading.

It took 1.5 hours to get to the first clearance area of the ride they had chosen, and another 45 minutes to get to the actual ride, where to my complete horror, I realised that it was exactly the kind of ride I was terrified of. It was too late by then to back out without causing an embarrassing scene there in public, and because of the thronging crowds queuing up behind us, getting out was next to impossible. I realised that I was stuck! With no avenues of escape before me, in absolute terror, I climbed into the ride.

In complete desperation, I closed my eyes and silently cried out to my saviour, “Lord, you alone are my refuge, and you have promised to never leave me nor forsake me. Your hands hold mine to guide and protect me.” As I prayed, I felt as though I was being clothed in Christ’s strength.

As the ride started, I felt strangely calm. My eyes remained closed, but I was surprised not to feel the rush of anxiety or palpitation or dizziness. All I felt was his presence beside me. I felt his grace and peace envelope me like a comfortable blanket. I do not know how much time passed this way, but after a while I remember saying in Malayalam, “Abba, madhi” (means- enough, Father), and as I opened my eyes, I was stunned to realise that the ride had actually come to an end.

I realised that when I was afraid, he had been with me and held me. I had received my portion in my time of need!

As I climbed out of the ride, my inner delight was immeasurable as I bubbled over with the joy of this strange deliverance and miracle! I was his child, and he was my loving Father, and just like I would hold my children when they were afraid, he had lovingly held me while I sat on that ride.

In the days that followed, my heart brimmed with joy because I felt so loved.

On that ride I had seen a side of my Father that I’d never really thought about before. This holy God was a loving Father who had seen even the smallest of my fears, who had heard and heeded even the faintest whispers of my heart, and cared enough to be with me, hold me and bring me out of it! He was not too big to care, my fear was not too small for him to care.

Suddenly all I could think of was, if he cared so much about an amusement park ride that I was scared of, how much more he cares when I cry out for the deeper things that burden me, my greatest fears! And, it hit me with stunning clarity- why then should I fear at all, when the one who held me on that ride is always by my side? Why fear, when all I have to do is trust his love for me?

For, he alone is the author and perfecter of our faith! (Hebrews 12:2a). And, in ways that we can understand, like teaching little children, he patiently teaches each one of us to trust him, and enables us to put our faith in him.


“I felt his presence beside me. I felt his grace and peace envelope me like a comfortable blanket.”