Church membership
“Become a church member? But, why?”
Depending on our religious backgrounds, membership could mean different things to different people. To some, church membership could be merely about paying the yearly subscription. To others it may be about oppressive rules and regulations, and living under the watch of hawk-eyed elders. To many it may also sound altogether unnecessary, especially if they are already plugged into the church they regularly attend and enjoying all the benefits, without being a member itself.
And most of all, does Scripture mandate it? The short answer is: No.
Scripture does not officially mention or insist on church membership. But, if there’s one thing Scripture does guide us to is being a unified spiritual body as God desires us to be
-Philippians 2:2
Church covenant
Here are some commonly asked questions about church membership:
Joining the local church is where you say “I want to be part of the visible display of God’s love to the watching world.” The local church, in other words, magnifies God’s glory to the unbelieving world which is only possible when church members joyfully live out their lives in the community through acts of love, service, prayer and mission (Ephesians 3:10, 4:2-6; John 13:35).
Joining a church says “I’m here and I’m willing to serve joyfully with all God’s blessed me with” (Acts 2:42-47).
While the world progressively campaigns independence, as Christians were called to be dependent. As members of a church we’re called to:
faithfully participate in corporate worship with one heart (Hebrews 13:15),
pursue God’s design for growth (Ephesians 4:16) and model Christ’s love to each other (1 John 3:16)
walk alongside and encourage one another in humility and love (Galatians 6:2, Hebrews 10:24)
cheerfully give your heart and resources to God’s missions (Matthew 28:18-20)
Church memberships says “I’m willing to put myself under pastoral leadership and accountability” (1 Peter 5:1-3)
Being a church member gives your pastors and elders an opportunity to personally know their flock by name. You, therefore, allow them to walk alongside for spiritual leadership, care and prayer.
Even if one is transitioning through a city for a short period of time, it is good Christian practice to become a member of a local church. It assures your pastors and elders you’re being cared for. As you attend church, we want to make sure we are alongside you in your spiritual growth.
Even as you move forward to another city, as a member your church will continue to walk alongside you until you find another local church and covenant with them.
If you feel your heart tugging towards a “yes”, then church membership truly matters.
Please fill in your details in the form below and someone from our team will be happy to walk alongside you as you consider church membership.