Christian articles
We hope that what you read here will not only encourage you and build you up, but that it will also whet your appetite and desire for God and Scripture all the more.
Not a Lack of Food, But a Lack of Hunger
This simple article from the Challies blog reminds us that though we have been given all we need, it’s up to us whether we take it and use it!
Remember this about Spiritual Fruit
This week’s article is from Spiritual Theology. For many of us spiritual fruit bearing often feels like climbing a descending escalator, frustrating in how little you actually seem to progress! If that has been your struggle, read this article to find the encouragement you need in this season
Messy, Late, and Happy
This Desiring God article may seem to be for young parents, but at the core, it talks about why in this age of convenient online church services, physically attending church is vital to a believer’s soul and spirit.
The Labour of Self-Awareness: Discovering What is in My Heart
This short TGC article talks about an effective way to identify our idols.
Community: A Struggle to Fit
This article from CCEF addresses something that may be on many minds as the church grows, and the body starts to look increasingly different from what it initially did.
Don’t Fill Every Open Moment With Content
This article from TGC calls out one of our greatest struggles these days, to untether ourselves from the incessant stream of info that comes our way, and holds us captive, via our smartphones!
Make Sunday Mornings Uncomfortable
This Desiring God article addresses something close to our hearts in Center Church- visitors & newcomers, giving us 3 excellent points to focus on!
Seven Reasons You Should Not Indulge in Pornography
This TGC article does not spare any punches in addressing a rampant but rarely acknowledged sin in the Christian community.
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
This Desiring God article is an eye-opener that warns us of the dangers of looking at the world through the lens of our fallen nature.
What does Ongoing Sin Say About Me?
This Desiring God article addresses the most common struggle in the Christian life, the struggle with ongoing, repetitive sin.
How (Not) to Stay Lukewarm
This Desiring God article is a wake-up call warning us of the dangers of lukewarm Christianity, and reminding us that we cannot afford to indulge in it any longer.
In Praise of the Boring, Uncool Church
Living in the age of cool churches featuring trendy pastors and rock-style worship, this article from The Gospel Coalition (TGC) talks about what a true church of Christ looks like.
Theology is for Moms of Little Ones, too
This article from the Risen Motherhood blog, in a short and edifying read for parched young moms, offers 5 simple ways to continue to enjoy communion with Christ in the midst of it all.
Ministry Belongs to the Members
This Desiring God article provides a much-needed reminder to each one of us in Center Church that ministry is not merely the responsibility of the pastor & the elders. Rather, every member ought to be involved in the work of ministry, so that, as each part does its job the body builds itself up in love.
“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
-Philippians 4: 8