My Story

The Story of God’s Grace in the Lives of CC Members

“You were redeemed from the empty ways of life … with the precious blood of Christ, the lamb without blemish or defect.”

1 Peter 1:18-19


As born-again Christians, we all have unique stories of how God called us out from lives lived apart from him, and delivered us from different struggles & sins. As we looked around, we saw many such stories waiting to be told from amongst us.

Through ‘My Story’, we bring to you real stories of the redeeming work of God in the lives of the members of Center Church,

each a sinner saved by grace, each bearing the distinct marks of God’s grace.

Our desire is that these stories will help us understand one another’s journey a little better, and help us see the grace of God at work in the lives of those around us.

We also hope that these candid glimpses past seemingly perfect facades may serve as an encouragement to others, that it will help us be more open with one another, and also reduce the pressure to ‘appear perfect’. 


Above all, we hope that the lives opened here, may lead us to praise & thank God all the more for his faithfulness to us.

New Mercies at God’s Feet
Isaac Thomas Isaac Thomas

New Mercies at God’s Feet

As she crumbled in despair under the weight of her guilt, there at God’s feet she found the mercy she needed.

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El Roi-The God Who Sees Me!
Isaac Thomas Isaac Thomas

El Roi-The God Who Sees Me!

The first time depression hit her, she was too paralyzed to fight. The second time she was prepared with verses, hymns and prayers. Yet the darkness refused to lift. One day in desperation she cried out “Don’t you care? Don’t you see?!”, and God answered!

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Fellowshipping with Family
Isaac Thomas Isaac Thomas

Fellowshipping with Family

Though an eager believer, he never felt the need to spend time with other believers, until God opened his eyes to see the truth.

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He is my Ebenezer
Isaac Thomas Isaac Thomas

He is my Ebenezer

Every time she asks “Why me again, Lord?”, he reassures her that he cares for her, and that is enough for her.

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His Ways Are Not My Ways
Isaac Thomas Isaac Thomas

His Ways Are Not My Ways

She had to watch God work in incomprehensible ways in her life. But today she is able to thank and praise God for his ways.

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My Worth in Christ Alone
Isaac Thomas Isaac Thomas

My Worth in Christ Alone

God’s grace was a healing balm to this woman’s wounds, when her cherished relationships lay broken around her.

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He Set Me Free to Live for Him
Isaac Thomas Isaac Thomas

He Set Me Free to Live for Him

The story of God’s redeeming grace that broke through and freed a young man from the stronghold of lust & sexual temptation.

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Waiting Patiently on the Lord
Isaac Thomas Isaac Thomas

Waiting Patiently on the Lord

The story of God’s grace in the life of someone who encountered extended delays in almost all major milestones. During one of those periods, as she cried out “Why me, Lord, why again?”, God spoke.

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