Gospel According to Luke
As those whose hearts treasure the true riches of the Kingdom, we ought to live in eager anticipation of our King’s return. How can we press on with an assurance to hear our Master say ‘good and faithful one’?
Luke 12:35-45
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches ‘Awaiting a Good and Faithful God’ from Luke 12:35-48 to see how people that are compelled by the gospel, look forward to the Lord’s return because of who He is and what He has done.
Luke 13:1-9
As we witness the numerous atrocities and natural disasters that regularly make headlines, it’s easy to wonder whether they are God’s judgment upon this fallen and sinful world! What hope then do we as Christians have in such a world, and what are we to infer from such incidents?
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches ’True Repentance’ from Luke 13:1-9, as we reflect on God's sternness and his kindness.
Luke 12:49-59
In the closing verses of Luke 12, Jesus the Prince of Peace, ironically proclaims that his coming will cause division. What does this mean for his listeners? And for us who have heard and responded to the gospel, what areas of our lives need to be set right in light of all we’ve heard?
Allan Abraham preaches ’Understanding Jesus’ Warnings’ from Luke 12:49-59, as we heed Jesus’ call to realign our lives, conscious of the times we live in.
Luke 13:18-30
Many in Jesus’ day lived under a false assurance of salvation, one that is prevalent among Christians even now. However, Jesus’ description of the kingdom and the way to enter it, is in stark contrast to this popular belief. What then is the kingdom of God actually like and what characterizes its true citizens?
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches ‘Strive to Enter’ from Luke 13:18-30, encouraging us to make sure our calling and election.
Luke 10:17-22
What changed between Luke 9 & 10? What seems to have finally started to fall in place in their hearts, regarding the power of faith? And, what critical truth is Jesus pointing us to, in this week’s passage?
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches ‘True Joy of a Disciple’ from Luke 10-17-22. As we reflect on the blessed truth that ‘fills’ Jesus with joy, may we too like Jesus joyfully exalt the Father.
Luke 9:57-62
Following Jesus is the most joyful aspect for one who trusts and believes in Jesus. Yet, many of us fail to experience the joy in doing so, especially when we face difficult circumstances or when things do not go according to our plans. This happens when we have not truly understood what it means to follow Jesus.
Ribu Kurien preaches ‘Following Jesus’ from Luke 9.57-62, to see what it really means to follow Jesus and how we can joyfully respond to the loving call to follow Him.
Luke 11:1-4
The one thing every Christian knows to do is to pray. However, each person’s form, style and reasons to pray differ. This often stems from what we have been taught or what was passed down to us traditionally. But, what does Jesus teach us about prayer?
Ribu Kurien preaches ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ from Luke 11:1-4, for a deeper & clearer understanding on how God wants us to pray.
Luke 11:5-13
After Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, he went on to teach them about the importance of not giving up on prayers. Jesus reminds them and us that the one who listens is our father in heaven who delights in answering his children’s prayers.
Allan Abraham preaches on ‘Persevering in Prayer’ from Luke 11:5-13, to understand what it means to press on in prayer.
Luke 11:14-28
As the crowds witnessed yet another man being freed from demon possession, their responses varied according to their understanding. The Bible reminds us that we are in the midst of an invisible war. What is our response to such realities today?
Alex Isac preaches 'The Battle of the Kingdoms’ from Luke 11:14-28, to show us how God's kingdom has been established and how we must live as members of this kingdom.
Luke 17:20-37
It’s the holiday season! A time of getting away from the routines of work & study, and a much anticipated time of rest & renewal. However, for many of us ‘getting away from it all’ unintentionally ends up becoming a break from our spiritual disciplines too!
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches ‘Living as the Redeemed’ from Luke 17:20-37, to review how our routines and pursuits are redeemed in life’s greater journey toward the coming kingdom of God.
Luke 10:38-42
We know what it means to live life in the fast lane, as we constantly succumb to the need to multi-task whether at school, home, work, or even in ministry. How then should a Christian and a Christ-centered church preserve kingdom priorities in these demanding times, where even our serving often leaves us feeling weary and lacking joy?
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches ‘Only One Thing is Needed’ from Luke 10:38-42, reminding us of the critical principle from which stems all joyful serving in the kingdom.
Luke 12:1-12
Hypocrisy is a relatable sin for us as those trying constantly to adapt to different settings. Could this stem from the fear of being judged or rejected by men, when we stand by our convictions? Jesus offers a word of encouragement for his disciples and us, on how our attitudes must be shaped by the Gospel.
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches ‘Gospel Boldness’, from Luke 12:1-12, as we together review our fears in light of the assurance and reward we have in Christ.
Luke 12:13-21
For many the pursuit of a secure future, through the accumulation of wealth dictates many of life’s choices and decisions, leading to a lack of contentment and rest. Although we find abundant warnings in God’s word regarding the deceitful power of money, the pursuit of wealth still remains man’s primary purpose in life! How can we know if this is true in our lives too?
Ribu Samuel preaches ‘Being Rich Towards God’ from Luke 12:13-21, reminding us that our lives are not made secure by an abundance of possessions but by being rich toward God.
Luke 12:22-34
The fear of giving God full control of our resources can leave us battling with anxiety, which can easily cloud our thinking and hinder us from joyfully trusting and obeying God. Aware of this, Jesus exhorts his disciples to not fear the unknown but to find rest and realize our eternal worth in a God who knows us and cares for us.
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches ‘Living Free of Anxiety’ from Luke 12:22-34, to remind us of God’s deep concern for his little flock who are riddled with the worries of life.