We begin a short sermon series titled ‘Saved and Shaped by the Gospel’ based on the true meaning of being 'gospel-centered' as we see all of life through the lens of the good news of Jesus.

Gospel Centrality-

Romans 3 : 9-12

Govind Ramachandran preaches 'The Desperately Sinful State of Man' from Romans 3:9-12, as we consider how it is only through Christ that sinful hearts which in itself does not seek to understand God, can we be considered righteous and accepted by a Holy God.

Romans 3 : 21-26

As we continue in our short sermon series titled ‘Saved and Shaped by the Gospel’, Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches 'The Riches of God’s Redeeming Grace' from Romans 3:21⁠-26 as we look at how sinners who deserve to be condemned are justified and declared righteous by a holy God.

1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11

As we continue our series ‘Saved and Shaped by the Gospel' focusing on the forward-back aspect of the Gospel’s impact on us.

Ribu Samuel Kurien preaches ‘Christians, Keep Awake!’ from 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, as we look at how Christians are called to live today in light of the hope we have in the imminent return of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Matthew 5: 13-20

We continue our short series titled ‘Saved and Shaped by the Gospel’, focusing on the ‘inside-out’ aspect of the Gospel’s impact on us.
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches 'Overcoming Religious Righteousness' from Matthew 5:13-20, as we tackle the problem of righteousness, navigating through whether our hearts are shaped by a righteousness stemming from religiosity or one that’s modeled by the gospel.

Philippians 2: 1-11

As we conclude our short series titled ‘Saved and Shaped by the Gospel’ Alex Isac preaches ‘Christ, Our Role Model’ from Philippians 2:1-11. We consider how we can trust and imitate Jesus’ obedience to the Father, so that our life and doctrine are held together by the ‘upside-down’ effect of the gospel.


1 Corinthians- Paul's Letter to the Church


Revelation- From God to You