It’s that time of the year where our hearts and minds are gripped with new aspirations, hopes and decisions that revolve around us. However, as people who have tasted the richness of God's saving grace, our hearts ought to be consumed with the truth that we are nothing but instruments of grace in God’s grand story that is about his name and his glory.
As we look back at the year gone by, we also look forward to the new year by continuing to place our trust and hope in our gracious God. Come join us this week as Pastor Alex Isac preaches ‘God of my Tomorrows’ from James 4:13-17, and consider how we can overcome our selfish ambitions by learning to submit to God’s will for our lives.
We look forward to coming together as a church this Sunday to worship our merciful God and listen to His word. Seeing David break out into a song of praise and adoration because of the forgiveness he receives from the Lord in Psalm 32, Govind Ramachandran preaches 'Blessedness of Forgiveness’. Come and listen as we seek to understand the weight of the joy this blessedness brings to the life of the church.
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches Part Two of “Our All-Sufficient Shepherd” from Psalm 23, and be encouraged as we are reminded that everything that we need for life can be found in the all- sufficient Christ
Together, we’ll explore what it truly means to declare this life-changing confession and live it out daily.
We will be looking at a Psalm that is very familiar to our minds but can be distant as an experience.
The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever and it is with this heart that we invite you to gather in worshipping Him. Come and listen to Mike Mathis preach “Declare His Glory” from Psalm 96, exhorting God’s people to proclaim to the ends of the earth of His glory and salvation.
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches ‘Faith to Forgive’ from Luke 17:1-10 as we heed to Jesus’ encouragement to place faith before our feelings, so that we are spurred on to obey joyfully and enjoy peace with man and God.
Alex Isac preaches ‘Marvelling at God’s Acceptance’ from Matthew 21:28-32, as we consider the kindness and mercy of God in enabling the undeserving to enter into His kingdom.
Ribu Samuel preaches “Our Hope In God's Righteousness”, from Luke 18:9-14 to help us see the kind of dependence in God that makes us humble while giving us rest, peace, and joy despite our circumstances.
We continue to look at Jesus' invitation to rest from Matthew 11:25-30 and unpack the joyful reality that can bring rest to every weary soul, as Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches “Listening and Leaning on Jesus”.
This Sunday as Alex Isac preaches “Blessedness of the Righteous” from Psalm 1 as we look deeper into how much more desirable and delightful it is to pursue God’s commands as we taste the joy of our salvation.
Scripture urges us to resist the schemes of the devil for he is constantly prowling like a lion. But, as Christians how do we equip ourselves to do so?
Pastor Samuel Iwuchukwu preaches 'Our Praise is to Yahweh whose Reign is Forever’ from Psalm 146, examining where our help and hope comes from - whether it is in God or apart from Him and how this affects our praise.
Eric Zeller preaches 'Victory in Jesus’ from Revelation 21:5-8 to help us answer these questions and to see from this text how we can have true victory in Jesus, forever.
The journey of a believer from the old self to the new self is the divine work of God through His very word.
During his earthly ministry, Jesus Christ was asked the question about inheriting eternal life on multiple occasions. His answer did more than baffle the questioners; it helped them and us today to understand our deepest need and his grand provision.
Join us as Pastor Jose Philip preaches ‘Inheriting Eternal Life’ from Luke 10:25-28 as we meditate on this truth that ought to shape our daily living.
Pastor Jose Philip preaches ’He Still Touches Lives’ from Luke 8:40-56 as we look into how being found at Jesus’ feet is still how the world will find the hope and help it desperately needs.
Govind Ramachandran preaches “God, Our Dwelling Place” on Psalm 90, and consider our frailty as Moses, the man of God, lays bare the heart of man and his absolute hopelessness without Christ, who is our strength and our hope.
Pastor Isaac preaches on “Our All Satisfying and Sanctifying Treasure” from Matthew 6:1-21, as we ponder upon whose praise we seek in our lives and what the true motive is behind our good deeds.
Alex Isac preaches ‘Shepherd of My Soul’ on Psalm 23, as we reflect on and rest our weary souls in the assurance that the care of the Good Shepherd is sufficient for us to live with confidence and security in this troubled world.
Alex Isac preaches 'Set Free To Forgive' from Matthew 18:21-35, as we consider how we can forgive others from our heart, and experience the joy of redeemed and reconciled relationships.
In a culture that is all about self-exaltation, Christians often tend to make God’s grand story of redemption about themselves.
Ribu Kurien preaches ‘A Lesson About Faith & Prayer’ from Mark 9:14-29, as we consider why we should respond faithfully in prayer to every revelation of God in Jesus Christ.
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches, ‘Drawn by Mercy, Fed by Grace’ from Matthew 15: 21-28, as we marvel at the incredible richness of the gospel that is lavished on every needy sinner who cries out to the Lord.
Come join us this week as Alex Isac preaches What Value Have You Placed on God’s Kingdom? from Matthew 13:44-52, as we seek to understand Kingdom realities so that our life choices are an outpouring of what we truly hold precious.
This week, we will consider Jesus’ commandment to not judge in contrast to judging what is right, as we pursue our call as a church to be set apart.
Pastor Isaac Thomas preaches ‘Governed by Grace’ from Matthew 7:1-12, as we prayerfully consider the call to build a gospel-centered community.
John Bachan preaches ‘A Praiseworthy Church’ from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 where the Apostle Paul and his companions give thanks to God for the faith of the Thessalonian church, confident that God has chosen them and caused them to walk worthy of their calling.
Let us join Pastor Isaac Thomas this week, as he preaches on “Hope In Suffering”, from Romans 8:17-39 to learn how, as children of God, we can say that all things work out for the good of those who love Him, in spite of not being shielded from the consequences of sin and suffering in a fallen world.
As this year concludes, we can all testify that God has been wonderfully gracious to us, in joy and in sorrow. What could be more fitting than to begin 2023 together with expressions of joy, praise and gratitude towards Him for who He is? We can look forward to the new year with hope-filled hearts as we look back on the faithfulness of God.
Together, let us marvel at the gospel as we unwrap The Greatest Gift - the birth of Jesus Christ, the gift that all people, everywhere need. We will be celebrating through Christmas hymns, a children’s choir, a message from Scripture followed with fellowship.
In Isaiah 6, as the prophet Isaiah is drawn into God’s presence in a vision, he was not just overwhelmed by the divine glory and holiness of God but he was also cleansed and commissioned by God, in order to be used for his kingdom.
2000 years after Jesus asked his disciples “Who do you say I am?”, the answer to that question is just as critical to each one of us- modern day followers of Christ! Who is Jesus, and how is this relevant to the church?
Come join us this Sunday, as Dr. Scott Ardavanis preaches ‘The Marks of a Healthy Church’ from Ephesians 4:1-3, to help us understand the key motivations and attitudes that mark a healthy church.
Come join us this Sunday, as Ribu Kurien preaches ‘Why is Easter Joyful?’ from Luke 24:36-53, to help us anchor our greatest joy in the truth of the resurrected Christ alone.
Luke 23:48 says regarding the crucifixion that ‘all the people who had gathered to witness this sight saw what took place, they beat their breasts and went away’. Has our familiarity with the cross reduced the death of Jesus to a mere religious tradition or a historic event? Do we realize that Jesus died on the cross that was meant for us, that his death should’ve rightly befallen us?
We know the truth- Christ is supreme over all of creation, and he alone can reconcile all things to God. Why then do we hesitate to rest in this truth, and instead feel the compelling need to depend on our own ability?
We invite you to be a part of the CC New Year Service, as we come together to give thanks to God, to declare his faithfulness, and to renew our relationship with him.
In Matthew 14, we see two instances of the disciples distressed by powerful winds. As Christians living in a fallen world, constantly buffeted by winds of trials and temptations, what is our greatest need? This week we invite you to join us as we fix our eyes not on the winds, but on the one who controls the winds, Jesus.
Are you weighed down by the guilt of past sin; a guilt that condemns and taunts you as being unworthy for God? This week the spotlight turns to David, a man after God’s own heart, who sinned in the vilest of ways. Yet, when a contrite David cried out to God for forgiveness, he received a far greater gift; freed from condemnation, he was once again free to live the life that God intended for him.
John’s account of the Gospel was written to reveal the identity of Jesus as the Son of God, the long-awaited Messiah, and mankind’s only hope for salvation. This week, we see how Jesus’ bold claim “I and the Father are one” elicits a violent response from his Jewish opponents. How do we respond to this truth that Jesus is in essence one with God; with indifference or reverence?
Why do we do the things we do? What motivates us to love others, to lead our families, to invest in the church, to grow as a Christian?
Join us as we look at the effect of the gospel in the lives of those who believe in it, through the lens of the early church.